Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love : Just another excuse to get hurt ?

"Doubt thou the stars are fire .
 Doubt that the sun doth move.
 Doubt truth to be a liar.
 But never doubt I LOVE."

Hamlet , From a letter read by Polonius , Scene II

We make love to be so cinematic : Someone says something really mystical , you are totally in awe of them , you are swept off your feet and you think you have fallen deeply and madly in love , only to be punched in the face when you wake up from your dream telling yourself " Silly , lets just skip all of this , i don't have time for any more pain ."

35 people jump off the brooklyn bridge every year ,  most because of broken hearts . That , happening in New York City , a city where most of the romantic movies are made says a lot about so called love . We already feel that our life is miserable as it is , we are never satisfied with what it might have to offer , we compare it to somebody else's life and always think his/her life is so much better than mine , s/he's so lucky , I wish I was that lucky , why is it that only my life sucks , why is it that only i get dumped all the time and have no one i could love , why am i the one who's hurting all the time . Is love really just another excuse to get hurt or is it something that you don't doubt ?  You tell me .

Thinking about all this i tried to make a compilation of things people in love say , things that they really mean or things that are just an excuse to break-up with you , things your friends say to console you and things you think you would never say if someone really truly loved you but you still say it anyways without realizing that you have broken someone else's heart just as s/he would've yours eventually , questions that make you feel insecure about who you are and how you live your life. 

I think i'll start with my favorites and proceed to the less popular ones . Hopefully you'll relate to it , or not . Firstly , you know something is wrong when you hear the words : WE NEED TO TALK . Everything starts here . 

I have two favorites actually and don't know which one should be given top spot . 
Maybe we'll have a vote in the comments . There's very few readers anyways and judging by the size of this post I might be loosing you half way :P
Some of you might just read the compilation , even .

1. You're perfect , I just have to figure things out for myself ( Could't you think of all this before you lead me on )


1. You deserve someone so much better than me . (Hell Yeah !! Chicken )

2. I don't want to stand in your way ( Don't worry honey , close the door on your way out)

3. I am gonna be so jealous of the guy who marry's you ( Oh you will be and i will rub it in your face )

4. I don't know how i can fit you in my life ( Don't ask me , solve your own puzzles)

5. I am still in love with my ex . (How Typical!!!)

6. I am not looking for love at the moment . Lets just be friends ( Well this wasn't love and were we really friends? )

Then there are a few questions that are raised , a few beliefs that are questioned . The wait , the longing , the curiosity , the phone calls he/she wont make and so on .

1. Maybe he called and i didn't get the message . 

2. Maybe he was busy so he could not call me . He had told me he was going to see his friends .

3. Is my phone working properly , call me , I need to check if everything's fine with the network . I have an important call to attend. 

4. Its complicated , I'm fine . Can we be friends at least?

5. Let me swing by and see if he's around . 

6. Is this it ? Am i lucky enough to find love , I have never felt this way before . I think i finally met the one . Is this really happening ? 

Then typically there will be the sad one liners , the ones that are written in a love song , usually the lines that connect you so much to the song that you think it was written only for you and you found it at the right moment .

1. When I think of you it hurts me , because i know you are not thinking of me .

2. If you are taking chances , know the chance you take because a broken heart is the highest price you pay.

3. I don't know why i get so attached . 

4. You lead me on to believe that one day we might actually be together . 

5. I need you to stop being nice to me if you are not gonna be with me later on . 

6. Whats wrong with me ?

People have a good side and a bad side , a past and a future . We must embrace that in someone we love . Sometimes things just don't work out but i don't think we stop trying or we should stop trying .

P.S : Mind you , I am still a believer , there's still hope that i can find someone i could love eventually . I know i have written a lot of hateful things in here but I don't want to scare the crap out of people who still believe and who'd still want to believe in LOVE. 

1 comment:

  1. You have just nailed the coffin...with the compilation of all excuses. Perfecto!!!
