Sunday, December 11, 2011

Break The Pattern !!

Why is it so hard to let go ? Why do we keep repeating the same things over and over ? Is it so hard to break the pattern ?

Well , the past few days have gotten me thinking about a few things that always confuse me . I read recently that human beings are objects of habit and that it can be strange the kind of things that we might get used to . Some people start living together and get used to sharing space , some people get married and get used to each other : sometimes even thinking that it is love , people who were never friends before become friends when fate brings them together under different circumstances . kids studying together for years only become friends sometimes when they happen to sit together or around the same place in the classroom . But sometimes when things aren't exactly the way you wish they were you have to break the pattern . To bring about a change sometimes you have to be the change . 

For instance , I think for me it is very difficult to let people go . No matter if i have known them for a few days or for a few years . I definitely like to keep in touch with people I shared some kind of chemistry with , i made some memories with , i lived with . Every now and then when i am reminded of them or of the times we've had together i start to wonder , what happened to us , what changed that was so bad that we cannot keep in touch anymore , I made an effort , i thought we were good together , I thought that the time we spent together would account for something worthwhile ; but somehow not everyone seems to think the same . Sometimes people come into your lives to teach you how to live without them , but do you really want to live like that . I wish like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind i could erase their memories completely and start afresh but its easier said than done . I think i need to hold on to things , i think i need to hold on to the beautiful memories that we created together , i need to feel stupid and care about someone who doesn't give a shit about the way i feel . Maybe this makes me selfish and probably i reach out to them when i feel lonely but at least i have thought about them , at least i tried to keep the thread between us alive . 
Maybe this is why i need to break the pattern as well , so that i can move on and experience new things . Change a few things , change what you want in the hope of finding something better . 

I think we tend to associate our choice of a partner with the person we first met , our first date , first kiss , first vacation , first romance sort of form the basis of what we keep searching for in our future partners . Also , the way that person looks , his/her skin color , the way they talk , the way they are is something we want because this is your start line , everything better is above this line and everything not as good is below this bar that has been set . Of course we would never want to settle for someone below the bar but is that what breaking the pattern could be? Settling down for something less , making an adjustment !!!1

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